Vet Men 40/44 Club Records

Take a look at our club records and your targets for the season ahead

60m 7.19s K.Burgess Birmingham 27/02/1999
75m 9.1s K.Burgess Gt.Yarmouth 06/04/2000
100m 11.1s K.Burgess Bedford 29/07/2000
150m 17.1s K.Burgess Kings Lynn 02/04/2000
200m 22.96s K.Burgess Gateshead 03/08/1999
300m 39.6s R.Wharton Gt.Yarmouth 08/04/2000
400m 54.2s R.Wharton Ware 06/06/1999
600m 1:33.8s R.Wharton Kings Lynn 22/03/1998
800m 2:10.1s R.Wharton Reading 04/10/1998
1500m 4:52.3s R.Wharton Colchester 16/05/1998
3000m 10:51.5s D.Norman Diss 25/06/1989
5000m 18:07.4s D.Gathercole Gt.Yarmouth 17/05/1997
110mH 19.1s J.BarwickNorwich04/06/1997
200mH29.3ssJ.Barwick Gt.Yarmouth 03/08/1997
300mH 46.3s J.Barwick Peterborough 06/04/1997
400mH 65.0s R.Wharton McMillan Stadium 07/07/2001
3000mSC 12:00.0s D.Gathercole Gt.Yarmouth 17/05/1997
Shot 11.84m M.Carr Norwich 28/4/96
Discus 32.66m M.Carr Braintree 30/06/1996
Hammer 32.44m M.Carr Gt.Yarmouth 13/06/1999
Javelin 40.20m R.Wharton Kings Lynn 08/06/1997
L.Jump 5.17m R.Wharton Gt.Yarmouth 16/07/2000 00:00
H.Jump 1.50m R.Wharton Ipswich 30/07/2000 00:00
T.Jump 10.35m M.Hodgson Peterborough 06/06/2001
P.Vault 2.30m J.Barwick Kings LynnNorwich
4x100m 48.2s Carr/Wharton/Barwick/Burgess Gt.Yarmouth 10/05/1998
4x400m 4:06.9s Carr/Wharton/Barwick/Burgess Gt.Yarmouth 10/05/1998
400/200/200/400 2:46.0s Wharton/Carr/Barwick/Burgess Norwich 08/06/1998
200/200/400/800 4:12.7s Wharton/Muir/Carr/Barwick Peterborough 03/06/1998
1 mile walk 11:22.8s J.Muir Norwich 04/06/1997
2km walk 13:25.5s J.Muir Bedford 04/10/1997