Junior Women (U20) Club Records

Take a look at our club records and your targets for the season ahead

60m 8.2s E.Penn Gt Yarmouth 05/04/2018
previously 8.7s A.Dowsett Gt Yarmouth 13/04/2017
75m 10.0s G.Easter Gt.Yarmouth 03/03/1993
100m 12.7s P.Davies Norwich 24/03/2012
150m 19.4s E.Penn Gt Yarmouth 05/04/2018
previously 19.9s G.Easter Gt.Yarmouth 16/03/1994
200m 25.7s P.Davies Gt Yarmouth 31/05/2012
300m 44.8s P.Baker Gt Yarmouth 14/04/2016
400m 57.97s P.Davies Chelmsford 11/09/2010
600m 01:45.7s H.Andrews Gt.Yarmouth 01/04/2008
800m 02:23.5s H.Andrews Gt Yarmouth 10/08/2008
1500m 05:12.7s C.Lee Colchester 01/09/2013
1500m St/Ch 06:49.94s A.Dowsett Hendon 27/07/2014
Mile 06:29.8s L.Oram Gt Yarmouth 13/04/2017
3000m 11:03.9s C.Lee Gt Yarmouth 15/05/2014
100mH 17.4s A.Dowsett Gt Yarmouth 11/06/2017
Shot 17.12m S.McKinna Halle, Germany 25/05/2013
Discus (1kg) 28.74m E.Anderson Hendon 03/08/2014
Javelin (600g) 39.36m H.Willeard Norwich 18/05/2024
previously 38.93m H.Willeard Norwich 12/05/2024
and before 37.98m H.Willeard Norwich 10/06/2023
Hammer (4kg) 31.04m L.Marshall Gt Yarmouth 23/06/2013
Long Jump 5.14m H.Mayne Gt Yarmouth 23/06/2019
previously 5.03m M.Bean (Molly) Gt Yarmouth 11/04/2019
and before 4.86m A.Dowsett Norwich 14/05/2016
and 4.86m E.Penn Gt Yarmouth 27/09/2018
Triple Jump 10.19m E.Stewart Gt Yarmouth 25/07/2021
previously 10.07m E.Stewart Norwich 05/06/2021
and before 9.22m A.Dowsett Bromley 01/06/2014
High Jump 1.50m M.Bean (Molly) Gt Yarmouth 23/06/2019
previously 1.47m A.Dowsett Peterborough 24/09/2017
Pentathlon 2586pts A.Dowsett Peterborough 24/09/2017