Under 15 Girls Club Records

Take a look at our club records and your targets for the season ahead

60m8.3s K.Earl Gt Yarmouh 13/04/2017
previously 9.1sD.JonesNorwich24/03/1990
75m 10.1s L.McGuire Gt.Yarmouth 05/04/2001
100m 12.25s M.Boylan Lee Valley 27/05/2023
previously 12.41s M.Boylan Norwich 14/04/2023
and before 12.6s E.ShippGt.Yarmouth28/05/1995
and 12.6s K.Earl Bury St Edmunds 20/08/2017
150m 19.9sL.McGuire Gt.Yarmouth06/04/2000
200m 25.2 M.Boylan Norwich 10/06/2023
previously 25.7s M.Boylan Norwich 14/05/2023
and before 25.74s M.Boylan Norwich 14/04/2023
300m 41.6s M.Boylan Bury St Edmunds 03/09/2023
previously 42.6s M.Boylan Norwich 05/06/2022
and before 43.2s I.Rushmere Norwich 29/08/2021
3000m10:50.5C LeeGt Yarmouh22/07/2010
Mile05:42.0 C Lee Gt Yarmouth 15/04/2010
300mH 53.0s M.Bean (Maggie) Norwich 26/09/2020
Shot 3kg 10.88m M.Squires Boston 25/06/2023
previously 10.66m M.Squires Norwich 14/05/2023
and before 10.59m M.Squires Bedford 18/09/2022
Javelin 600g36.28mM.NascimentoPeterborough17/04/1988
Javelin 500g 36.12m L.Coote Ipswich 01/05/2022
previously 31.41m L.Coote Norwich 24/04/2022
and before 28.03m L.Coote Norwich 08/04/2022
Hammer (3k) 33.66m L.Coote Chelmsford 13/08/2022
previously 32.75m L.Coote Gt. Yarmouth 03/07/2022
and before 31.94m L.Coote Cambridge 25/06/2022
T.Jump 9.53m E.Stewart Sandy 29/09/2018
previously 9.45m E.Stewart Woodford 04/09/2018
and before 9.35m A.Dowsett Cambridge 29/06/2013
H.Jump1.65mS.WattsNorwich 03/06/1905
and 1.65m N.Rimmer Gt. Yarmouth 25/05/2013
4 x 100m 51.5s Fielding/Boylan/Squires/Fance Norwich 30/04/2023
previously 51.9sMcGuire/Horn/Wharton/ShippGt.Yarmouth18/06/2000
and 51.9s Fielding/Roberts/Squires/Boylan Norwich 24/04/2022
Pentathlon2800pts M.Squires Bedford 18/09/2022
previously 2744pts M.Squires Norwich 26/06/2022
and before 2585ptsA.DowsettPeterborough29/09/2013
Hexathlon 2682pts A.Dowsett Stoke 04/08/2013