Event | Time/Dist. | Name | Venue | Date |
60m | 8.6s | J.Fiske | Gt Yarmouth | 05/04/2018 |
75m | 9.3s | J.Shipp | Gt.Yarmouth | 11/03/1992 |
80m | 11.3s | M.Root | Kings Lynn | 28/03/1999 |
100m | 11.3s | A.Whyte | Norwich | 24/04/2022 |
previously | 11.5s | J.Shipp | Gt.Yarmouth | 02/08/1992 |
150m | 17.8s | J.Shipp | Gt.Yarmouth | 11/03/1992 |
200m | 22.97s | D.Burnham | Gateshead | 06/07/2012 |
300m | 38.5s | G.Smith | Norwich | 15/05/2022 |
previously | 38.8s | G.Smith | Norwich | 24/04/2022 |
and before | 39.9s | C.Southam | Gt Yarmouth | 22/07/2018 |
400m | 53.19s | D.Creak | Sheffield | 11/07/1997 |
600m | 1:35.4 | J.Turner | Gt.Yarmouth | 26/02/1992 |
800m | 2:04.95 | J.Allen | C.Palace | 13/07/1986 |
1000m | 3:00.6 | M.Root | Gt.Yarmouth | 06/04/2000 |
1500m | 4:14.0 | T.Salmon | Hendon | 15/08/1993 |
Mile | 5:06.1s | C.Wedon | Kings Lynn | 21/04/2023 |
previously | 5:12.9s | A.Roberts | Gt Yarmouth | 11/04/2019 |
and before | 5:17.1s | T.Bilyard | Gt Yarmouth | 14/04/2016 |
2000m | 6:52.9s | J.Thurtle | Kings Lynn | 28/03/1999 |
3000m | 9:57.0s | K.Pywell (Keelan) | Gt.Yarmouth | 22/07/2010 |
previously | 10:13.1s | K.Pywell (Keelan) | Gt Yarmouth | 09/05/2010 |
80mH | 11.5s | J.Shipp | Colchester | 11/08/1991 |
Shot | 12.80m | T.Simpson | Horspath | 21/08/2016 |
Discus | 39.73m | M.Stubbs | Norwich | 1976 |
Javelin | 49.24m | J.King | Gt.Yarmouth | 23/07/1996 |
Hammer | 31.97m | A.Morris | Gt.Yarmouth | 22/06/1997 |
L.Jump | 6.12m | J.Shipp | Gt.Yarmouth | 23/08/1992 |
H.Jump | 1.78m | A.Leonard | Norwich | 02/08/2015 |
previously | 1.75m | J.King | C.Palace | 30/06/1996 |
T.Jump | 11.77m | C.Wilkinson | Colchester | 06/06/2006 |
4x100m | 47.9s | Sexton/Green/Felmingham/Barwick | Bedford | 1976 |
Pentathlon | 2405pts. | G.Hurst | Norwich | 15/09/1990 |
Under 15 Boys Club Records
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