Under 13 Boys Club Records

Take a look at our club records and your targets for the season ahead

60m 8.6s J.Shipp Norwich 24/03/90
75m 10.7s N.Jones Gt.Yarmouth 11/03/92
and 10.7s T.Simpson Gt. Yarmouth 17/04/14
80m 11.0s S.Keyte Braintree 23/05/93
100m 12.7s C.Pollard Bury St Edmunds 03/09/2023
previously 12.9s J.Shipp Norwich 09/06/90
and 12.9s S.Keyte Colchester 29/08/94
150m 20.5s S.Keyte Braintree 23/05/93
200m 26.2s J.Shipp Havering 27/05/90
300m 48.3s T.Bilyard Gt.Yarmouth 07/08/14
400m 61.4s G.Sexton Caister 1973
600m 01:47.4 D.Borrett Gt.Yarmouth 22/03/95
800m 02:19.3 G.Sexton Harlow 1973
1000m 03:23.9 A.Alcock Gt.Yarmouth 03/03/93
and 3:23.9s J.Thurtle Gt.Yarmouth 09/04/98
1200m 04.33.2 M. Cross Gt Yarmouth 09/08/11
1500m 04:50.7 B.Rowe H.Hempstead 23/35/99
Mile 05:27.6s T.Barber Gt. Yarmouth 17/09/2023
previously 05:33.9s S.Thompson Peterborough 31/08/98
3000m 11:50.4s A.Roberts Gt Yarmouth 15/06/17
75mH 13.0s N.Jones Norwich 16/05/92
80mH 12.7s J.Shipp Norwich 09/06/90
Shot 10.75m S.Keyte Braintree 14/05/94
Discus 21.17m E.Alston Ipswich 04/08/19
previously 20.42m N.Jones Norwich 20/09/92
Javelin 31.92m C.Clarke Gt Yarmouth 07/08/14
B.Throw 48.30m L.Stanley Braintree 10/06/90
L.Jump 4.91m L.Howell Gt.Yarmouth 1977
H.Jump 1.51m N.Jones Norwich 27/09/92
T.Jump 8.90m S.Longland Ipswich 31/08/92
4x100m 55.5s Keyte/King Hall/Thompson Colchester 11/09/94
Pentathlon 1344pts N.Jones Norwich 20/09/92