Under 11 Girls Club Records

Take a look at our club records and your targets for the season ahead

75m 11.3s L.McGuire Gt.Yarmouth 10/04/1997
80m 11.4s L.McGuire Gt.Yarmouth 22/06/1997
100m 14.5s E.Shipp Gt.Yarmouth 30/06/1991
150m 23.4sE.ShippBraintree02/06/1991
and 23.4s M.Brown Gt.Yarmouth 13/07/2014
200m 30.6s E.Shipp Norwich 21/09/1991
600m1:53.6s O.Mukuya Norwich05/09/2021
previously1:55.2s M.Squires Ipswich 04/08/2019
and before 1:55.4s J.Allen Bury St Edmunds 16/07/2017
800m 2:47.8s M.Squires Gt.Yarmouth 26/09/2019
previously 2:52.8s F.Harrison Daventry 09/08/1997
1000m 4:03.5s T.Simpson Gt.Yarmouth 07/08/2014
60mH 16.5s E.Shipp Norwich 21/09/1991
Shot (2.72kg) 5.71m M.Squires Norwich 26/05/2019
B.Throw 36.29m M.Fearn Braintree 05/06/1988
Whizz Ball 29.82m M.Squires Gt.Yarmouth 26/09/2019
previously 27.83m L.Coote Gt.Yarmouth 27/09/2018
and before27.00m H.Willeard Norwich 15/05/2016
Discus 10.15m S.McGuire Crawley 30/08/1999
Javelin 17.42m K.Goodwin Diss 13/07/1997
L.Jump 4.20m L.McGuire Gt.Yarmouth 17/08/1997
Turbo Jav. 16.60m A.Dowsett Gt.Yarmouth 02/09/2009
4x100m 59.4s McGuire/Shipp/Harrison/Goodwin Colchester 27/07/1997