Event | Time/Dist. | Name | Venue | Date |
60m | 9.4s | L.Duffield | Norwich | 25/05/14 |
75m | 11.1s | T. Simpson | Gt.Yarmouth | 12/04/12 |
80m | 11.5s | O.Shipp | Gt.Yarmouth | 11/06/17 |
previously | 11.6s | T.Simpson | Gt Yarmouth | 19/05/11 |
100m | 14.5s | N.Jones | Ipswich | 29/07/90 |
150m | 21.5s | T.Simpson | Gt Yarmouth | 03/07/12 |
200m | 30.8s | N.Jones | Gt.Yarmouth | 28/08/90 |
600m | 01:51.7 | L.Duffield | Ipswich | 06/07/14 |
800m | 02:37.8 | M.Thompson | Gt.Yarmouth | 22/07/93 |
1000m | 03:34.5 | L.Duffield | Gt Yarmouth | 07/08/14 |
60mH | 16.8s | M.Bloomfield | Norwich | 21/09/91 |
Javelin | 23.54m | J.Head | Diss | 21/07/91 |
B.Throw | 48.00m | J.Head | Braintree | 02/06/91 |
L.Jump | 4.25m | N.Jones | Gt.Yarmouth | 05/08/90 |
Turbo Jav. | 16.77m | R.Unsworth | Gt.Yarmouth | 24/06/01 |
Whizz Ball | 38.39m | J Drake | Gt Yarmouth | 19/05/11 |
4x100m | 67.4s | Snowling/Dent/Griffen/Unsworth | Gt.Yarmouth | 24/06/01 |
Under 11 Boys Club Records
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