Event | Time/Dist. | Name | Venue | Date |
60m | 7.3s | J.Jennings | Gt Yarmouth | 05/04/2018 |
previously | 7.7s | C.Dobson | Gt Yarmouth | 13/04/2017 |
75m | 8.6s | R.Taylor | Gt Yarmouth | 12/04/2012 |
and before | 8.9s | R.Taylor | Gt Yarmouth | 21/04/2011 |
100m | 10.97s | R.Taylor | Chelmsford | 07/04/2012 |
and | 11.0s | D.Burnham | Bromley | 26/07/2015 |
150m | 16.9s | R.Taylor | Gt Yarmouth | 21/04/2011 |
previously | 17.0s | J.Shipp | Gt.Yarmouth | 22/03/1995 |
200m | 21.7s | D.Burnham | Kings Lynn | 23/05/2015 |
300m | 35.5s | D.Burnham | Gt Yarmouth | 14/04/2016 |
previously | 36.0s | J.Shipp | Gt.Yarmouth | 22/03/1995 |
400m | 51.8s | T.Burgess | Norwich | 08/06/2013 |
600m | 1:24.9s | T.Bilyard | Gt Yarmouth | 11/04/2019 |
Previously | 1:26.5s | J.Clark | Gt.Yarmouth | 17/04/2014 |
800m | 1:53.32s | T.Bilyard | Lee Valley | 29/08/2020 |
previously | 1:54.10s | T.Bilyard | Watford | 07/08/2019 |
and before | 1:56.73s | T.Bilyard | Bromley | 13/07/2019 |
1000m | 2:46.0s | S.Calver | Norwich | 24/03/1990 |
1500m | 3:59.21s | T.Bilyard | Gillingham | 17/08//2019 |
previously | 4:07.88s | T.Bilyard | Bromley | 13/07/2019 |
and before | 4:09.0s | T.Bilyard | Norwich | 08/06/2019 |
Mile | 4:26.9s | D.Harrison | Norwich | 15/04/2022 |
previously | 4:28.1s | D.Harrison | Norwich | 30/04/2021 |
previously | 4:30.1s | T.Bilyard | Gt.Yarmouth | 11/04/2019 |
and before | 4:39.8s | S.Calver | Gt.Yarmouth | 05/08/1990 |
3000m | 9:03.4s | D.Harrison | Gt Yarmouth | 04/06/2023 |
previously | 9:08.71s | S.Collins | Hendon | 28/06/2015 |
5000m | 15:57.9s | D.Harrison | Norwich | 13/05/2023 |
previously | 16:02.1s | T.Bilyard | Norwich | 28/06/2019 |
110mH | 17.7s | J.Mills | Norwich | 13/06/2009 |
300mH | 47.3s | M.Barwick | Kings Lynn | 02/04/2000 |
400mH | 63.6s | J.Mills | Hendon | 30/08/2009 |
2000mSC | 6:36.81s | T.Bilyard | Reading | 15/06/2019 |
previously | 6:38.3s | T.Bilyard | Norwich | 11/05/2019 |
and before | 6:38.5s | R.Barber | Norwich | 18/05/1985 |
Shot | 11.76m | M.Bloomfield | St.Ives | 17/06/1995 |
Discus | 38.52m | M.Bloomfield | Norwich | 13/05/1995 |
Hammer | 26.62m | M.Bloomfield | Gt Yarmouth | 14/05/1994 |
Javelin | 40.12m | T.Balfour | Gt.Yarmouth | 12/08/2007 |
Long Jump | 6.78m | J.Mills | Kings Lynn | 01/08/2009 |
High Jump | 1.80m | W.Attew | Norwich | 13/06/2009 |
and | J.Mills | Kings Lynn | 01/08/2009 | |
and | J.House | Norwich | 09/07/2011 | |
Triple Jump | 12.81m | J.Mills | Bury St Edmunds | 02/08/2009 |
Junior Men (U20) Club Records
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