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Event | Time/Dist. | Name | Venue | Date |
U11 | | | | |
60m | 9.1s | L.Shipp | Kings Lynn | 01/02/1998 |
L.Jump | 3.92m | L.Shipp | Kings Lynn | 01/02/1998 |
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U13 | | | | |
60m | 8.56s | L.McGuire | Sheffield | 10/01/1999 |
60mh | 9.9s | L.McGuire | Kings Lynn | 31/01/1999 |
200m | 28.96s | C. Whyte | Lee Valley | 03/03/2024 |
previously | 29.59s | M.Boylan | Lee Valley | 09/02/2020 |
and before | 29.73s | M.Boylan | Lee Valley | 09/02/2020 |
600m | 2:02.94s | M.Bean (Maggie) | Lee Valley | 03/12/2017 |
800m | 2:56.98s | M.Bean (Maggie) | Lee Valley | 21/01/2018 |
L.Jump | 4.73m | L.McGuire | Kings Lynn | 14/02/1999 |
H.Jump | 1.37m | L.Shipp | Kings Lynn | 31/01/1999 |
Shot | 7.40m | A.Wakeley | UEA, Norwich | 21/01/2013 |
| 10.23m (S/Hall) | J.Kemp | Birmingham | 21/04/2012 |
Pentathlon | 1692pts | M.Bean (Maggie) | Lee Valley | 25/03/2018 |
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U15 | | | | |
60m | 8.03s | M.Boylan | Sheffield | 11/02/2023 |
previously | 8.14s | M.Boylan | Lee Valley | 14/01/2023 |
and before | 8.15s | L.McGuire | Birmingham | 05/02/2000 |
200m | 26.10s | M.Boylan | Lee Valley | 05/03/2023 |
previously | 26.94s | M.Boylan | Lee Valley | 15/02/2023 |
and before | 27.22s | M.Boylan | Lee Valley | 11/12/2022 |
300m | 51.88s | M.Bean (Maggie) | Lee Valley | 01/12/2019 |
800m | 2:28.82s | H.Horn | Birmingham | 14/02/2001 |
60mh | 9.22s | L.McGuire | Birmingham | 25/02/2001 |
L.Jump | 5.26m | M.Squires | Sheffield | 11/02/2023 |
previously | 5.20m | L.McGuire | Kings Lynn | 19/02/2000 |
T.Jump | 7.98m | H.Willeard | Kings Lynn | 27/01/2019 |
H.Jump | 1.40m | R.Scott | Kings Lynn | 30/01/2022 |
previously | 1.27m | A.Dowsett | Lee Valley | 31/03/2013 |
and | 1.27m | M.Bean (Maggie) | Lee Valley | 16/12/2018 |
Shot | 9.97m | M.Squires | Lee Valley | 04/03/2023 |
previoulsy | 9.22m | M.Squires | Lee Valley | 12/02/2022 |
and before | 9.10m | J.Kemp | Kings Lynn | 27/01/2013 |
| 9.38m (S/Hall) | J.Kemp | UEA, Norwich | 10/11/2012 |
Pentathlon | 2256pts | A.Dowsett | Lee Valley | 31/03/2013 |
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U17 | | | | |
60m | 7.89s | M.Boylan | Lee Valley | 02/03/2024 |
previously | 7.93s | M.Boylan | Lee Valley | 10/12/2023 |
previously | 8.0s | G.Easter | Kings Lynn | 26/01/1992 |
60mh | 8.98s | M.Boylan | Lee Valley | 27/01/2024 |
previously | 9.18s | M.Boylan | Lee Valley | 13/01/2024 |
and before | 9.5s | A.Wright | Kings Lynn | 31/03/1993 |
200m | 25.60s | M.Boylan | Lee Valley | 11/02/2024 |
previously | 25.85s | M.Boylan | Lee Valley | 27/01/2024 |
and before | 26.07s | M.Boylan | Lee Valley | 14/01/2024 |
300m | 42.69s | P.Baker | Lee Valley | 09/02/2013 |
800m | 2:36.39s | A.Dowsett | Sheffield | 14/03/2015 |
L.Jump | 5.19m | C.Richardson-Rowe | Lee Valley | 05/01/2019 |
previously | 4.85m | H.Mayne | Lee Valley | 21/01/2017 |
T.Jump | 10.23m | E.Stewart | Lee Valley | 09/02/2020 |
previously | 9.85m | E.Stewart | Kings Lynn | 26/01/2020 |
and before | 9.64m | E.Stewart | Kings Lynn | 27/01/2019 |
H.Jump | 1.50m | M.Bean (Molly) | Lee Valley | 03/12/2017 |
Previously | 1.44m | A.Dowsett | Lee Valley | 20/12/2014 |
Shot | 13.24m | S.McKinna | Birmingham | 28/02/2010 |
Shot (3kg) | 9.28m | A.Dowsett | Sheffield | 14/03/2015 |
Pentathlon | 2775pts | M.Bean (Molly) | Sheffield | 10/03/2018 |
Previously | 2713pts | A.Dowsett | Lee Valley | 20/12/2014 |
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Junior Women (U20) | | | | |
60m | 7.9s | G.Easter | Kings Lynn | 20/02/1993 |
60mh | 9.7s | A.Wright | Kings Lynn | 05/03/1994 |
800m | 2:39.56s | M.Bean (Molly) | Lee Valley | 16/12/2018 |
L.Jump | 4.92m | M.Bean (Molly) | Lee Valley | 16/12/2018 |
previously | 4.61m | A.Dowsett | Kings Lynn | 24/01/2016 |
T.Jump | 9.47m | H.Willeard | Lee Valley | 03/03/2024 |
previously | 9.32m | H.Willeard | Kings Lynn | 28/01/2024 |
H.Jump | 1.52m | M.Bean (Molly) | Lee Valley | 16/12/2018 |
previously | 1.40m | A.Dowsett | Kings Lynn | 24/01/2016 |
Shot Put (4kg) | 16.38m | S.McKinna | Linz, Aut | 31/01/2013 |
Pentathlon | 2841pts | M.Bean (Molly) | Lee Valley | 16/12/2018 |
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Senior Women | | | | |
60m | 8.0s | G.Easter | Kings Lynn | 31/01/1993 |
60mh | 9.5s | A.Wright | Birmingham | 29/02/1996 |
L.Jump | 5.09m | L.Johnstone | Lee Valley | 02/03/2024 |
T.Jump | 10.06m | E.Stewart | Lee Valley | 21/01/2024 |
H.Jump | 1.42m | B.Greenwood | Loughborough | 04/02/2024 |
Shot Put (4kg) | 18.82m | S.McKinna | Birmingham | 27/02/2022 |
previously | 18.54m | S.McKinna | Loughborough | 21/02/2021 |
and before | 18.46m | S.McKinna | Karlsruhe, Germany | 29/01/2021 |
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Veteran Women V35 | | | | |
800m | 2:58.57s | K.Wheeler | Lee Valley | 26/03/2023 |
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Veteran Women V40 | | | | |
60m | 9.70s | L.Bullimore | Kings Lynn | 28/01/2024 |
Shot (4kg) | 6.37m | L.Bullimore | Kings Lynn | 28/01/2024 |
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Veteran Women V45 | | | | |
60m | 8.63s | G.Read | Lee Valley | 26/02/2023 |
previously | 8.7s | G.Read | Kings Lynn | 30/01/2022 |
and before | 9.5s | C.Fielding | Kings Lynn | 26/01/2020 |
200m | 29.2 | G.Read | Lee Valley | 26/02/2023 |
Long Jump | 3.94m | G.Read | Kings Lynn | 29/01/2023 |