Boys/Men Indoor Club Records

60m 9.1s D.Borrett Kings Lynn 24/01/1993
L.Jump 3.51m D.Borrett Kings Lynn 24/01/1993
60m 8.4s S.Keyte Kings Lynn 05/03/1994
60mh 10.4s N.Jones Kings Lynn 26/01/1992
200m 29.27s G.Smith Lee Valley 22/02/2020
L.Jump 4.74m S.Keyte Kings Lynn 05/03/1993
1.40m N.Jones Kings Lynn 26/01/1992
Shot 9.28m S.Keyte Kings Lynn 30/01/1994
6.73mm (S/Hall) C.Dobson Taverham 03/12/2013
60m 7.63sC. PollardLee Valley 08/12/2024
previously 7.77sC. PollardLee Valley 02/03/2024
and before 7.92s G.Smith Lee Valley12/02/2022
60mh 9.7s N.Jones Kings Lynn 05/03/1994
200m 24.42sC. PollardLee Valley 08/12/2024
previously 25.65sG.SmithLee Valley 13/02/2022
and before 26.4sM.Phillipson Lee Valley 06/03/2010
300m 42.84s G.Smith Lee Valley 13/02/2022
800m 2:16.21s C.Wedon Lee Valley 15/02/2023
previously 2:51.59s W.Wassmer Lee Valley 22/02/2020
1000m3:02:06sHarry DoranLee Valley08/12/2024
L.Jump 5.39m G.Smith Kings Lynn 30/01/2022
previously 5.27m J.Shipp Kings Lynn 26/01/1992
H.Jump1.65m N.Jones Kings Lynn 30/01/1994
T.Jump 10.85m N.Jones Kings Lynn 05/03/1994
Shot 10.48m A.Morris Kings Lynn 26/01/1997
9.95 (S/Hall) M.Philliipson UEA, Norwich 2011
60m 7.12s A.Whyte Lee Valley 02/03/2024
previously 7.13s A.Whyte Lee Valley 13/01/2024
and before 7.14s A.Whyte Lee Valley 10/12/2023
60mh 8.75s G.Smith Lee Valley 02/03/2024
previously 8.94s G.Smith Lee Valley 13/01/2024
and before 9.21s G.Smith Kings Lynn 26/11/2023
200m 22.55s A.Whyte Sheffield 11/02/2024
previously 23.05s A.Whyte Lee Valley 14/01/2024
and before 23.10s A.Whyte Lee Valley 10/12/2023
400m 53.99s T.Burgess Lee Valley 15/01/2012
800m 2:02.61s T.Bilyard Lee Valley 14/02/2018
1000m 3:06.86s J.Mills Lee Valley 09/01/2008
1500m 4:30.20s D.Harrison Lee Valley 19/02/2020
previously 4:51.38s D.Harrison Lee Valley 20/02/2019
L.Jump 6.22m J.Mills Lee Valley 09/01/2008
T.Jump 12.07m A.McNamara Kings Lynn 31/01/1999
H.Jump1.85m A.Leonard Kings Lynn 29/01/2017
Shot 11.74m J.Hanton Bourne 16/02/2020
previously 11.12m J.Mills Lee Valley 09/01/2008
Pentathlon 2957pts J.Mills Lee Valley 09/01/2008
Junior Men (U20)
60m 7.07sA. WhyteLee Valley 08/12/2024
previously 7.12sR.TaylD.BurnhamLee Valley31/01/2016
and before 7.15sR.Taylor Birmingham 25/02/2012
200m 22.10s R.Taylor Birmingham 26/02/2012
400m 53.51s T.Burgess Lee Valley 13/01/2013
800m 1:53.05s T.Bilyard Lee Valley 19/02/2020
previously 1:55.32s T.Bilyard Lee Valley 29/01/2020
and before 2:01.15s T.Bilyard Lee Valley 20/02/2019
1000m 2:39.29s D. HarrisonSheffield23/11/2024
1500m 4:13.58s T.Bilyard Lee Valley 20/02/2019
L.Jump 5.96m N.Jones Kings Lynn 25/01/1998
H.Jump1.80m N.Jones Kings Lynn 25/01/1998
T.Jump 12.74m N.Jones Kings Lynn 25/01/1998
Shot 11.99m M.Bloomfield Kings Lynn 05/03/1994
Senior Men
60m 7.2s K.Burgess C.Palace 03/02/1990
200m 24.9s K.Burgess Cosford 02/12/1989
300m 35.24s D.Creak Birmingham
400m 50.0s D.Creak Birmingham
800m 1:52.80s T.Bilyard Lee Valley 01/02/2023
1500m 3:48.84s T.Bilyard Lee Valley 01/02/2023
Mile 3:59.33s T.Bilyard Lee Valley 07/02/2024
L.Jump 6.12m N.Jones Kings Lynn 31/01/1999
H.Jump1.80m N.Jones Kings Lynn 31/01/1999
P.Vault 3.40m N.Jones Kings Lynn 14/02/1999
Shot 11.36m S.Briggs Kings Lynn 30/01/1994
Vet Men 40/44
60m 7.19s K.Burgess Birmingham 27/02/1999
200m 23.43s K.Burgess Birmingham 26/02/2000
400m 55.51s R.Wharton Birmingham 27/02/1999
800m 2:31.82s J.Barwick Birmingham 03/02/2001
1000m 3:32.87s J.Barwick Bordeaux 08/03/2001
60mh 10.58s J.Barwick Birmingham 28/02/1997
L.Jump 4.62m J.Barwick Bordeaux 08/03/2001
H.Jump1.38m J.Barwick Bordeaux 08/03/2001
Shot 11.53m M.Carr Kings Lynn 26/01/1997
Pentathlon 2171pts J.Barwick Bordeaux 08/03/2001
Vet Men 45/49
60m 7.18s K.Burgess Glasgow 16/03/2002
200m 24.39s K.Burgess Glasgow 16/03/2002
400m 63.99s J.Barwick Birmingham 27/02/2002
1000m 3:40.11s J.Barwick Glasgow 16/03/2002
60mh 10.94s J.Barwick Glasgow 16/03/2002
L.Jump 4.57m J.Barwick Glasgow 16/03/2002
H.Jump1.36m J.Barwick Glasgow 16/03/2002
Shot 10.58m M.Carr Kings Lynn 10/02/2002
Pentathlon 2477pts J.Barwick Glasgow 16/03/2002
Mstrs Men 60/64
60m 9.20s I.Wells Kings Lynn 28/01/2024
60mH 10.15s I.Wells Sheffield 18/02/2023